• Prawo ustrojowe
  • Artykuł pochodzi z numeru IUSTITIA 4(38)/2019, dodano 26 marca 2020.

Sędziowska odwaga – notka filozofa prawa

prof. Jerzy Zajadło
(inne teksty tego autora)

Judicial courage – a note of a philosopher of law

The article is aimed at answering the question whether courage is necessary for fulfilling the office of a judge. The author not only gives an affirmative answer, but also concludes that judicial courage is actually one of the cardinal virtues necessary in the administration of justice. The article discusses several different aspects of the notion – from personal to institutional courage. The author also presented the fundamental assumptions of one of the latest philosophical currents – virtue jurisprudence. The subject seems to be especially topical in the context of the discussion on judicial independence which has been going on for several years now in Polish public space. Key words:judges, courage, virtues, administration of justice

* Autor jest specjalistą w zakresie teorii i filozofii prawa, profesorem zwyczajnym WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego.

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