• Prawo karne
  • Artykuł pochodzi z numeru IUSTITIA 2(44)/2021, dodano 25 sierpnia 2021.

Ocena odurzenia narkotykowego kierowców (drugged driving) w krajach europejskich na przykładzie amfetaminy

Krzysztof L. Krzystyniak
(inne teksty tego autora)

Identification of drugged driving in European countries on the example of amphetamine

Driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) is a growing problem in the countries of the European Union. The legislative procedures to identify drugged driving in Europe can be divided into three categories: (i) impairment approach, i.e. systems based on identifying signs of drug intoxication; (ii) identification of drugs in biofluids (practically a “zero tolerance” system); (iii) mixed systems combining drug limits as such with an impairment approach. The application of particularly harsh prison sentences under the “zero tolerance” law has refuelled the debate as to what cut-off limits for different psychoactive drugs and narcotics should be used. An overview of the proposed solutions and issues is presented on the example of amphetamine, a psychoactive substance often detected in road traffic offenders.

Key words: drug intoxication, amphetamine, drugged driving, driving under the influence of drugs DUID, drug driving limits

* Autor jest doktorem habilitowanym nauk medycznych, emerytowanym profesorem i wykładowcą Université du Québec, w Kanadzie i Wyższej Szkole Inżynierii i Zdrowia w Warszawie, biegłym sądowym z zakresu toksykologii przy Sądzie Okręgowym w Nowym Sączu; deklaruje brak konfliktu interesów.

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